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Garden Fence Lizard
Class: Reptilia
Order: Squamata
Suborder: Iguania
Family: Agamidae
Genus: Calotes
Species: C. versicolor
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Mijn Spotlight en Color Spotlight foto's.
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My Spotlight and Color Spotlight photos.
@Focales: Your blog seems to be out of the air? Have been trying for days but no luck at all :(
This is the message I get ... Ce site est momentanément indisponible...
@Hossein Saharnaz: I just found out! Thank you Hossein.
@omid: Thanks Omid!
@☺ ► ƸɼiϾ ◄ ☼: Thank you Eric.
@Tede: Merci beaucoup Tede!
@Ronnie 2¢: It was a nice surprise Ronnie, thank you.
@Jean-Luc T.: Merci Jean-Luc!
@Baldwin Vandewalle: Thank you Baldwin.
@Eric C.: Merci beaucoup Eric.
@Blind Owl: Thank you!
@Ellebelle: Ik zag het zo net pas, wat een verrassing! Dankjewel!
@Melocoton: Gracias!
@Steve Rice: Thank you Steve.
@john4jack: Thanks!
@Florence: Merci beaucoup Florence!
@Ruthiebear: Thank you!
@Helma: Bedankt voor 't compliment Helma ;)