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Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Suborder: Heteroptera
Infraorder: Pentatomomorpha
Superfamily: Pentatomoidea
Family: Pentatomidae
Subfamily: Pentatominae
Species: Catacanthus incarnatus
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Mijn Spotlight en Color Spotlight foto's.
Thanks for visiting my photoblog and leaving your comment. I appreciate your honest opinion and constructive comments on my pictures, as I still have a lot to learn! You can see more pictures on my Pbase-site.
My Spotlight and Color Spotlight photos.
@Yvonne Simons (:|:): Inderdaad een wants, maar een joekel hoor ... niet te overzien zo groot, zelfs deze 'baby' ;)
@Girish: Thank you Girish, I'm very o.k. but I've managed to loose your web link due to a computer crash. Would appreciate if you would give it to me again.