Tussen de regenbuien door vloog er ineens een heel 'nest' van deze enorme vlinders (troides helena) boven de pauwenkers. Na een aantal mislukte pogingen, kreeg ik 't voor elkaar om 5 van deze schoonheden in een foto te vangen!
In between the rain showers there was an abundance of these huge butterflies (Common Birdwing) above the Jungle Flame. After several failed attempts I managed to capture 5 of these beauties in one picture!
Common Birdwing
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Papilionidae
Genus: Troides
Species: T. helena
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Mijn Spotlight en Color Spotlight foto's.
Thanks for visiting my photoblog and leaving your comment. I appreciate your honest opinion and constructive comments on my pictures, as I still have a lot to learn! You can see more pictures on my Pbase-site.
My Spotlight and Color Spotlight photos.
@PhotOpus: Thank you for your enthusiastic comment!
@pascale: Ik snap 't ook niet en het gebeurde bij nog een gebruiker van Aminus3. Daarna was het ineens weer verdwenen!
@Loner: I'm much too lazy to clone in Photoshop, so this is the real deal :))
@Ti: Good observation Ti! I'm still trying to figure out if it's a mix of Golden Birdwing and Common Birdwing, have no clue yet ;) Up-date: The one with the extra dots is the female!
@Ronnie 2¢: Thank you very much, it was a nice surprise!
@Florence: Thank you Florence!
@Tede: Thank you very much!
@Steve Rice: Thank you Steve!
@Barbara: Thank you Barbara!
1/1600 second
ISO 400
100 mm