Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Subfamily: Heliconiinae
Tribe: Acraeini
Genus: Acraea
Species: Acraea terpsicore
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Mijn Spotlight en Color Spotlight foto's.
Thanks for visiting my photoblog and leaving your comment. I appreciate your honest opinion and constructive comments on my pictures, as I still have a lot to learn! You can see more pictures on my Pbase-site.
My Spotlight and Color Spotlight photos.
@Robert Kruh: Thank you Robert! Your bloglink isn't working :(
@sharon: Even nature isn't perfect ;) Thank you for your lovely comment Sharon!
@Bishop: It's the real focal length from my recently bought lens the Micro-Nikkor 55mm F2.8 (MF lens). Thanks for your comment!
1/400 second
ISO 100
55 mm