Foto genomen in het zuiden van Limburg, ik weet alleen niet meer waar precies ... ergens in de buurt van Voerendaal waar we dorpjes ontdekt hebben die we nog nooit hadden gezien!
A typical picture from the province of Limburg in the Netherlands with its beautiful hills. The south of the province is remarkable when compared to the rest of the country, as it is one of the few regions that has hills. Limburg is the southern-most of the twelve provinces of the Netherlands. It is located in the southeastern part of the country and bordered by Belgium to the south and part of the west, Germany to the east.
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Mijn Spotlight en Color Spotlight foto's.
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My Spotlight and Color Spotlight photos.
@dj.tigersprout: Thanks DJ! Yes, it's taken recently, august 25th, but you can 'smell' the fall in the air ;)
@Franka: Het was in de buurt van Voerendaal en Klimmen, want niet lang hierna zijn we helemaal verdwaald in het centrum van Heerlen ;)